Skyforge Wiki

Why creatures?[]

It seems as if we use the term creature for any and all mobs in this game. Now, there are certainly more than one definition of a creature, but none that warrants the usage we have here. Sentient (humans and alien races alike), beasts and A.I.s are all thrown into this category.

We seem to have two top-level categories for entities controlled by the game: NPC (primarily friendlies, as per common cRPG understanding, although these can of course turn on you by "sudden but inevitable betrayal!") and mobs (stuff we fight).

Suggestion for a new structure and categorization of NPC and Mobs

NPC for all things NPC, and additional tag with quest giver where applicable.

  • Category:Non-playable characters (or Category:NPCs)
    • Category:Quest giver

Creature becomes mobs, and we have a sub-category for each zone they appear in:

  • Category:Mobs
    • Category:(zone name) mobs

One folder category for allegiances with related sub-categories

  • Category:Allegiances
    • Category:(all the different invading armies)
    • Category:Aelion(?)

One folder category for species:

  • Category:Species
    • Category:(Lycans/Carrions/Khelps/Naiads/Humans/etc)

(One thing I am unsure of is whether it should just be 'Mechanoids' or 'Oculat' "Scissor' etc)

And finally, and this may be redundant, but some traits.

  • Category:Traits(better name needed?)
    • Category:Beasts (for Lycans and Skates and such)
    • Category:Gods/Goddesses (there are non-'human' gods AFAWK, so this goes for all)
    • Category:Immortals

Nordavind (talk) 12:38, August 10, 2015 (UTC)
